Person, Not Diagnosis

Living with a mental disorder can be difficult and overwhelming. But you are more than your disorder, and your mental illness doesn't define who you are as a person. Have you ever felt like you had no control over your emotions? like no one understands your pain? and like things weren't ever going to get better? Well, I'm here to let you know that you are loved, you are not alone, and things will get better for you. "When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile and laugh." Stay strong, because you really are a warrior.

Mental health awareness has become more common in our generation today. But many people still don't understand what it feels like to live with a mental disorder, and the stigma behind mental illnesses is still very prevalent. According to National Alliance on mental illness, in every five people, there is one person who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.

These days, mental illnesses are very common in young adults, especially in college students. Speaking from my own experience, I probably could've diagnosed myself with depression or anxiety, due to a lot of stress and one traumatic experience that happened, while I was in college. When your mental health is at stake, you can feel like you don't have any control over your emotions, you feel like you need someone to understand you, but at the same time you don't want people to judge you. It's okay to not be okay sometimes, and it's okay to speak about your internal or external stress; even though you may feel like you're alone, you aren't alone. Mental illness is real, and everyone has different experiences.

 Things will get better for you, and there's nothing wrong with receiving help. In fact, I guarantee you it will feel like a load has been lifted, as soon as you begin speaking to a mental health care professional. Trust me, I know from experience. I felt better talking to someone when I wanted help, and going to a few sessions lead me to the right direction towards my healing process. For those of you suffering from a mental illness, please get help. Having a mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about, neither is talking about it.

We're all human, we don't need to have it all together every minute of the day. No one is perfect, it's common for anyone to have mental health problems.
Do not give up, it will be hard, probably the hardest thing you will ever experience in your life, but you will get through it. You are stronger than you may think, and if you ever needed some reassurance, here it is. You are strong enough to face it all, even if it doesn't feel like it right now.

Finding the support you want during tough times like this is essential. Talk to your friends or family members who you feel may be supportive during this difficult time, just talking to someone about what you've been going through can help. Often, some of the best support can come from someone who has been in your shoes. Consider joining a support group in your community. You will be able to gain insight from people who have faced the same challenges, and it can be reassuring to hear some of the successes of others facing similar experiences. There is still hope for you, recovery is a choice.

Below are links to some helpful resources regarding finding support for treatment services and support groups.

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NAMI Family Support Group

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