Lately, I've been focusing my energy on the more positive aspects of my life. Such as, my goals I want to accomplish, the steps I'm going to take to achieve these goals, ways how I can better myself as a person, and where I plan to be in the near future. At this point, there's no room for negativity in my life. The type of energy that we put out, is what we attract back. It's all about the law of relativity. So speaking good things into existence, and refocusing your energy will benefit you.
"Speak what you seek until you see what you’ve said." I know this probably sounds like a very simple statement, and may seem like it's easier said than done. But believe it or not, whatever your dreams and aspirations may be, speak them into existence, and I guarantee you the universe will listen. For instance, saying "I will pass this test" or "I will get this job", and just waking up in the morning and saying "today is going to be a good day", are just some ways to affirm good things in your life. I kept telling myself that I would get a new job, once I moved back home, and by the grace of God, I got a new job doing something I enjoy. I learned that when you speak in a certain way, imploring your wants and needs, the universe will ultimately listen. You also have to believe in yourself and know that you're capable of accomplishing whatever your heart desires. In the words of the eminent JK Rowling, “Words are the most inexhaustible source of magic we have.”
It's also important to know how to refocus your energy in negative situations. I'm finally learning that I need to be slow to anger, and to not be spiteful. This has been my biggest issue for some time now, I always allowed people/situations to get the best of me, and have power over my emotions. But I came to the realization that the situations and people that I was giving my energy to, didn't deserve my time, and I was only giving those things/people power by reacting to them in negative ways. Nobody can steal your joy unless you give them permission first. We have two choices each day, we can easily react to everything going on around us, or we can take control and have the power to not let these negative people/situations control our lives.
It's amazing when we take back the responsibility for how we feel; it's liberation. Stop trying to get even or get revenge, the best revenge is a life well lived. When we react to others' actions, it sets us up to be the victim. Never give someone the key to your happiness. Every person's happiness is sequentially their choice. Relying on someone for your own happiness will leave you disappointed, you must find peace and happiness from within. You are in control of your own emotions, and when you realize that, you will be victorious in all circumstances.
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