Setting Your Intentions for The Year

Hello, my loves and Happy New Year. Now I know I'm a little late with my new year blog post, but I've been on a little hiatus. I'm happy to kick off 2021 with some new content. We made it to 2021, and thank God. 2020 was a crazy year, to say the least. So much happened last year, and so many things may have effected you mentally. But I'm here to remind you that you made it, you conquered through so many obstacles, and you are here in this present moment. 

It's a new year, which welcomes new beginnings. It's never too late for you to make a shift in your life. You can change your mindset, behaviors, and even your persona at any given moment. Change is inevitable. Life is all about learning, changing, and growing. So, to start the new year right, it's best to set your intentions for the whole year, and plan attainable goals for yourself. 

Setting Goals:

Goals help us become better versions of ourselves, they keep us organized, and they provide us with focus. Think about what you want to achieve, and the steps you're going to take to accomplish these goals. Be specific about your goals, and make sure they are within reach. Setting goals is a powerful process, and it helps you plan for your future. You motivate yourself, you're working towards turning your visions into reality, and most importantly, you're showing up as your higher-self.

Right now I'm going to give you 3 important tips on how you can efficiently plan and execute these goals. So with further a do, let's get into it!

Step 1: Write it Down

 I often see the quote, "write it down, and make it happen", and I like to write down my goals, because that means I can visually see them. But there's actually some truth behind writing down your goals, and you're more likely to complete a task if you write it down. Writing down your goals will help you improve your focus. You will have a clear vision of what you want to achieve, when everything is clear and concise. Once you start planning where you want to go in life, you'll be able to easily stop the distractions that may lead you astray.

You can set small-term goals and long-term goals for yourself. Long-term goals are the goals that you want to achieve in the future. For instance, you can set a plan to accomplish these goals in the next 5-10 years. Long-term goals could be planning to get rid of debt, building your credit score, starting a business, saving for a college fund, purchasing a home, etc. Once you have a plan for your long-term goals, you can set a plan for your shortl-term goals. Short-term goals are goals that you want to accomplish in the near future. This could be sticking to your budget, working out, eating healthier, reading more books, etc.

Step 2: Break it Down

Sometimes our goals can seem overwhelming, so a good technique is to write them down in smaller parts. It's also good to give yourself a time frame for when you want to accomplish your goals. Now this doesn't mean you should rush and try to force yourself to complete these goals. Using the S.M.A.R.T method is a very helpful tool to help you set goals and monitor you progress.

  • S - specific-  What exactly do you want to accomplish? Why is this goal important to you?
  • M - measurable- How will you know when your goal is accomplished?
  • A -attainable- How realistic is this goal? Is it possible for me to reach this goal with effort?
  • R- relevant- Is this goal worth working towards?
  • T- timely- What's the deadline you have set to meet your goal?

Step 3: Take Action

Now that you have set your goals for the year, you wrote down the steps you're going to take to reach them, and used the S.M.A.R.T method, it's time to take action. I challenge you to dedicate the next 6 months to being consistent with your goals. I'm going to challenge myself to do the same. So, let's make 2021 a great and fulfilling year!

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